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15,300 Posted Topics
Re: I was wrong only once in my life -- I thought I was wrong but I was wrong. -- Unknown | |
Re: >A while back a cop near here chased a perp on the highway, reaching about 180 km/h (100mph) before giving up, she got fired the next day for reckless endangerment of the public A couple years ago a cop was speeding down the interstate at 120+ MPH struck a car … | |
Re: The ones you see on TV are not programs that are running on a computer. They are embedded programs that are burned onto [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programmable_read-only_memory"]PROMs[/URL] which are then physically attached to the hardware box on the wall then wires go from that box to the door which unlock it. | |
Re: josh --> vinod --> christna --> keep it more pleasant, stop the name calling/nation bashing. This is a public board which is read by everyone and some people think your comments are offensive. If you want to get involved in that sort of talk then please use PM or send … | |
Re: 265 I ran out of fingers and toes. :$ | |
| |
Re: They are all violent -- do something useful with your life instead of wasting it on stupid games. | |
Re: You need to instantiate a public or static brush so that the colors don't disappear as soon as that function ends. | |
Re: Looks like all you have to do is call printf() instead of cout, replace cin with scanf(), change class to struct, and change the methods that are in the class to global functions. You may have to add a parameter or two to the functions in order to make that … | |
Re: you don't need two nested loops, just one will do that counts backwards from 's' to 1. Inside the loop you just need to print the value of the loop counter and 'X' as well as calculate the factorial of s. | |
Re: That warning means that std::string.size() returns an unsigned int, so line 29 is comparing an int to an unsigned int. The work around is to declare variable i as size_t, not int (assuming your compiler defines size_t as unsigned int). [icode]for( size_t i = 0; i < /* blabla */[/icode]. … | |
Re: Ok, here's some help [code=cplusplus] class SavingAccount { // put class objects and methods here } [/code] | |
Re: kurianjoseph seemed to have offered a new suggestion two weeks ago. I'm a rookie at it too and I think I'll take his advice. | |
![]() | Re: Hunger Games -- a chick flick, pretty slow at first but action picks up about half way through. If I ignore the first half of the movie I'd give it 3 out of 4 stars, but overall it only gets 2 stars. |
Re: line 23: failed to allocate memory for the null string terminator. Lines 37 and 39: remove +1 from Text.Length(). | |
Re: [QUOTE=glenn_boy13]I can do graphics in Dev- C++. I am using Dev-C++. :). Just follow the instructions carefully and do not forget to put linkers. You can't do a graphics by making a new source file. You need to do a new project to put linkers.[/QUOTE] Yes, but you are not … | |
Re: line 37: never use eof() because it doesn't work the way you think it does. You can easily read words one word at a time and ignore all white space by using the stream's >> operator a combination of stringstream and fstream's >> operator should complete your program. stringstream is … | |
Re: line 26: you are not pushing enough things before calling printf(). The format string you are using calls for two integers. You need to push those two integers as well as the format string. | |
Re: >>It works, I just want to know if I'm answering the question correctly? If the program works ok, then yes you probably answered the problem correctly. | |
Re: Have you looked at [this example Wordpad program](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/h9tcz8kb.aspx)? [Here](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/9639/Text-Editor-in-C-using-CRichEditCtrl) is another example program that does printing. | |
Re: The file is not in the current directory. If you are using MS-Windows then use Explorer to verify the location of the file and add the full path to the filename. [icode]infile.open ("c:\\MyFolder\\studentFileName.txt");[/icode] | |
Re: >What is the return type of function rankfun? Look at line 3 -- it says it all. | |
Re: try this: [code] string s1 = "abdxyzdxyz"; string s2 = "xyz"; size_t pos; while( (pos = s1.find(s2)) != string::npos) { string s3 = s1.substr(0,pos); if( (pos+s2.length() + 1) < s1.length()) s3 += s1.substr(pos+s2.length()+1); s1 = s3; } [/code] | |
Re: [QUOTE=Sci@phy;696232]I don't think that <cmath> is in std namespace: [URL="http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/ios/clear.html"]Example with iostream (using namespace std;)[/URL] [URL="http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cmath/sqrt.html"]Example with cmath (doesn't have using...)[/URL] Maybe he declared another function named sqrt? Or a variable perhaps.[/QUOTE] You are right that the functions in cmath aren't in std namespace -- they are in global namespace. … | |
Re: I compiled your program with VC++ 2013 and only got one error, related to deprecated strcpy(). That error easily goes away by disabling error 4996 #pragma warning(disable: 4996) line 37: `strcpy(ls->name, "");` Why use strcpy() here? Just set the first character to 0. `ls->name[0] = '\0';` If this is supposed … | |
Re: >>and I have some error in my code ,and I cant correct them I just got new glasses the other day but I'm still having problems seeing the errors you get on your monitor. So would you post them here to make them easier to read ? | |
Re: Assuming you mean MS-Windows, then maybe [URL="http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms632589.aspx"]windows hooks[/URL] | |
Re: Now that you posted the requirements of the program, what do you want from us? We will not write your program for you. | |
Re: I would first put something at the end of the array to indicate there is no more data -- that way the program knows when it is done. The last byte in the array could be either another $ or binary 0, but anything except numeric digits could be used … |
The End.