15,190 Topics
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Hi! I have a program with two QSpinBoxes with integers in them. When user clicks one spinbox it should affect to the other one. And vice versa. I can't use valueChanged() signal because it causes an endless loop that won't stop until the maximum values of the boxes have been … | |
Hi all, I'm very new to Python and I am already very proud what I've created ;) Unfortunately it doesn't work so I need your help. I've created a xml-file at C:\temp\ I want to upload the file to a ftp-server, but when I run my code I continiously receive … | |
hey all. i need some help with my calculator and i was wondering if anyone knew how to make it so if you click on a button it would pop up the value of that button in the entry screen. [CODE]## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## SDD, Major Project, Extreme … | |
Hi, so I've been programming with Python (2.x) for a while now, and I was wondering about what people thought of 3.x. From just a few quick searches, some people recommend that people get used to it quickly as it is the future, and others say to just stay with … | |
Does anyone know the code to click a button widget and get the value of that button to show up on an entry screen. I'll show you my code. [CODE]class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.grid() self.createEdit() self.createView() self.createHelp() self.createQuit() self.createOnOff() self.createDelete() self.createClear() self.createSeven() self.createEight() self.createNine() self.createDivide() self.createFour() self.createFive() … | |
Hello Everyone!! Is there a way to find the window handles pertaining ONLY to the current top level window & not its child windows. Using win32gui i am able to get the handles but it returns the handles of all the top level as well as its child windows. Any … | |
I am creating a program which takes in fields for events, saves them to file and then loads & displays them on separate lines. The 'date' field in my program should be in the format yyyy/mm/dd when it is entered. I have managed to implement this however my program still … | |
Hi, I am new to Python. I have written a routine and am trying to compile the code for distribution. I went to [URL="http://sourceforge.net/projects/py2exe/files/"]http://sourceforge.net/projects/py2exe/files/[/URL] and downloaded the file py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.6.exe. I am running Python 2.6 on a Win-XP Pro OS. I assume this file is a self-extracting exe. The trouble is … | |
Is it possible to have a function run at the beginning of every function of a class without explicitly writing it? I'm going to have a class with 20 or so methods, and though I can just copy and paste, I was wondering if there was an easier way to … | |
Hello, I have a huge file with the following kind of lines: A,B,C 1,2,3 D,E 4,5 What is efficient way to split and get the following output using python? A 1 B 1 C 1 A 2 B 2 C 2 A 3 B 3 C 3 D 4 D … | |
![]() | Im getting errors with this, please advice me on what to do: [CODE]def displayHappy(): numLimit = input("Enter a positive integer: ") countHappy = 0 countUnhappy = 0 liHappy = [] for num in range(1, numLimit + 1): inNum = num while inNum != 1 and inNum != 4: inNum = … ![]() |
Hello all, I am currently teaching myself Python 3 and came across a project at work that would be ideal for this. The department in which I work is an IT support desk with a number of us taking calls and providing support to end-users. There is a field in … | |
Hi there I am translating PERL code into python and i am new on both language.I have one question if we have hash key reference in PERL like this way $a->{b} how we can traslate it into PYTHON? and if we have this code $a->{$b} , how we translate it … | |
I have an excel spreadsheet that has 2 used columns. Using Python I have to read the data in those to columns. So far I have a code that lists the item in column A and B on Python GUI. Once that is done I have to write code so … | |
I posted a snippet about using a microcontroller as a mouse, and it works great, but it moves the mouse as a stepper motion. How would I go about making it velocity driven? Like when I tilt the accelerometer further, the faster the mouse moves. I've seen it on youtube, … | |
Many new computers come with Windows7(64bit) OS. You will be tempted to install something like Python 3.1.1 64bit version. However, many packages like PyQT and PyGame don't offer 64bit versions yet and will not work! | |
I'm having troubles understanding global variables in python. I am trying to keep track of when a function gets called and once it does I want it to be unavailable to the user. However for some reason its not working :\ [CODE] psycStat = False def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() … | |
Does anybody know of any libraries or scripts or even code snippets that can generate HTML code from a diff or comparison of the contents of two files? I know of the HtmlDiff class in difflib, but the format it outputs is not the one I want (it puts both … | |
I am new to python . The QList widget contain the list of files in a directory ...I want to select the name of the file and store it in a variablle.....How can i do that?... | |
[CODE]x = self.spinbox37.value() * 40 y = self.spinbox38.value() * 40 printer = str(self.comboBox4.currentText()) print_cmd = 'echo "IN;PU" x "," y | lpr -P %s %s' self.LCDNumber18.display(x) self.LCDNumber19.display(y) #print_cmd = 'echo "IN;PU2100,11300;" | lpr -P %s %s' os.system(print_cmd % (printer, ""))[/CODE] In the above line I'm trying to use the x … | |
I m trying to sending the data over TCP/IP by segmenting it into different sizes ....with 10KB and 100KB the data is tranferring perfectly but when I segment it to 500KB ..it transfer sometime perfectly and sometime it failed by giving error socket.error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer | |
Hi there, I am using elementtree to read xml, if xml file contains "-" i am getting error. Is it possible to read without any error? Plz give me code to read xml, if u have. Thanks -Shyami | |
Hi, I have jest started learning Python. I would like to get some help on writing a script that would delete a data of lines only key from array which looks like this : [CODE][' 00:01:02','[COLOR="Red"] 00:0f:01',' 01:ff:dd:34'[/COLOR] , 00:dd:01:ff[/CODE] [B] I want delet red data only [/B] | |
[CODE]# File: Manager.py from Tkinter import * class Manager: def choose(self,master): tasksf=Frame(master) tasksf.grid(row=1,column=0,padx=3,pady=3) Label(tasksf, text="Task ID:").grid(row=0,column=0,padx=3,pady=3) Label(tasksf, text="Description:").grid(row=1,column=0,padx=3,pady=3) Label(tasksf, text="Start Date:").grid(row=2,column=0,padx=3,pady=3) Label(tasksf, text="Deadline:").grid(row=3,column=0,padx=3,pady=3) self.tid=Entry(tasksf) self.tdesc=Entry(tasksf,width=25) self.tstart=Entry(tasksf) self.tdead=Entry(tasksf) self.tid.grid(row=0,column=1,padx=15,pady=5,sticky=W) self.tdesc.grid(row=1,column=1,padx=15,pady=5,sticky=W) self.tstart.grid(row=2,column=1,padx=15,pady=5,sticky=W) self.tdead.grid(row=3,column=1,padx=15,pady=5,sticky=W) def asdfg(self,master): print "dsgsfd ",v def __init__(self,master): master.title("Manager") menuf=Frame(master) v = IntVar() Radiobutton(menuf, text="Tasks", variable=v,indicatoron=0, value=11,command=self.choose(master)).grid(row=0,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,ipadx=5,ipady=5) Radiobutton(menuf, text="Meeting", variable=v,indicatoron=0, … | |
I was wondering is there a good IDE for python /wxpython/pygame? I was wanting something that would do all 3 very good, for when I do finally jump to a GUI... I was messing around a little with pygame, and I noticed it dose not like the python IDLE... | |
Does anyone have a code example for using the mouse wheel with the Tkinter GUI toolkit handy? | |
I have a series of rules that I want to be able to execute without having to manually edit the code. I'd like to give my rule conditions at the beginning and have the program run it. This way, I can test every single rule combination in a for loop … | |
![]() | How do you make a function repeat itself using a while statement. Here's the function: [CODE] # the function accepts any positive integer parameter and returns the sum of # the squares of its digits. def zap(intNum): total = 0 while intNum != 0: last = intNum % 10 total … |
I used [URL="http://www.parallax.com/Store/Education/KitsandBoards/tabid/182/CategoryID/67/List/0/SortField/0/Level/a/ProductID/313/Default.aspx"]Parallax's Basic Stamp Homework Board[/URL] and an [URL="http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2909788"]accelerometer[/URL] to use as a mouse. It works better than I thought it would. [URL="http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyserial/"]PySerial[/URL] is used to grab the debugged values from the stamp. The circuit is compiled of two push buttons, 2 LEDs to tell when a button is … |
The End.