15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for jcafaro10

I'm new to python and I'm having trouble trying to sort a list correctly. I have a map of strings->Word objects. A word object contains a list of all the places in a file where the word occurs. So in the Word class I have this method: [CODE] def _cmp_(self,other): …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for rajaram_l20

I am using Python ver 2.5 and Iron Python 1.1.2. When I tried to run a script which imports xlwt and creates a workbook, huge memory is being used and it is never released unless the application running the script is closed. This memory problems happen only when using site-packages. …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for dinesh5

hi there, is there any editor or compiler that explain us what the lines of codes we have written means and is there any editor or compiler that we can use with html & php.mail [EMAIL="deinsh5@hotmail.com"]me[/EMAIL]

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for jworld2

Okay, so I'm trying to make a kind of clock program, where every second it displays the next image in the sequence. I does just that. It displays the next image. But it doesn't replace the previous image, it just puts the next image on top. How would I get …

Member Avatar for jworld2
Member Avatar for crazzym

Hello, I know this is something extremely easy to do but i don't master the python syntax at the moment. I've read the documentation and I've been searching on the 'net for information but nothing that I've found seems to be what I'm looking for. Probably the reason is the …

Member Avatar for crazzym
Member Avatar for Amisha_Sharma

Hi all, I want to know thtat what is the advantage of learning PYTHON.Where this language is used? Is this languge have any scope in future? Thanks

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for harrykokil

hi guys.. im having problems with my traffic lights. i want to execute the procesing of the traffic lights infinitely (i.e red to green to red continuously). im providing my code hoping to get a positive response soon. thanks.. [code=python] import Tkinter as tk import time import sys import datetime …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for vmars

In the Starting Python [ [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread20774.html[/url] ] Post, I configured as specified, but when I take that 1st code example [ print "Hello Monty Python!" ] and save it as a file [ HelloMP1.py ], and open it in the Edit Window, and run it from there, I get the …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hi, I have two modules: Mod1 and Mod2. I want to call the function ‘ ProgressBar’ which is present in Mod1 inside a class ‘clsMain’. In the function ‘ProgressBar’, I set the increment to the progress bar. The function looks something like this: def ProgressBar(self,intIncrement): self.gauge1.SetValue(intIncrement) It takes integer as …

Member Avatar for dinilkarun
Member Avatar for harrykokil

hi guys am stuck with my project.. i want to make the car stop when the lights are red and then move when its green. im providing you my code hoping you can help me.. thanks.. [code=python] import Tkinter as tk import time import sys import datetime as dt from …

Member Avatar for Luckymeera
Member Avatar for jcafaro10

Hello, I'm new to python and I'm trying to learn how to read/write programs written in python using eclipse. I'm used to java so a lot of things are familiar but a lot of things aren't and I'm having trouble finding a good place to go to learn what different …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for laspal

hi, I am using reportlab to generate pdf but having a problem in making list in tabular format. final list should be in this format: list =[ ['companies', 'industries'], ['1', '11'], ['2','22], ['3', '33'] ] data =[] data.append('companies') for item in some_list: data.insert(0, item) -> Assuming item gives me values …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello All, Greetings! I have question concerning OOP with Python. I want to know when Python class or being specific, how py class ends in package like wxpython. What I mean is I have one class let say of frame and another class of a dialog box all in same …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Well, I have recently created a "translation" program. It basically asks what languages you would like to translate between, then goes to the appropriate page on a translation website. I have integrated an option to keep using a language, rather than having to start at the main menu again. Except, …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for pravdexter

Hi all, How to Enable/Disable port of a system by triggering the URL through Python program. Please help if possible.

Member Avatar for pravdexter
Member Avatar for shadwickman

Hello! I've run into a slight problem with my script. As I iterate through a list of strings, I need to print each string, but they all need to print on the same line, so I used this: [code=python] for item in myList: print item, [/code] The comma puts each …

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for knish
Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for tillaart36

Hello all :) I have a grid program that lets me define a grid and do some basic stuff with it. The next step I need to implement is that I need to add a floodFill like method ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_fill[/url]). What I wanna achieve with this is the functionality that I …

Member Avatar for tillaart36
Member Avatar for Dart82

Hello, Im having a little list problem with big lists. Say for example, I have this [CODE]Numbers = [["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"] , ["ddd", "eee", "fff"]][/CODE] How do I search and return from this list? eg searching for "fff" and returning "ddd"? I can only return specific position in the list, …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Dart82

I was wondering how you define a funtion which a phrase and two words are inputted and the output is the part of the prhase between the two words. Do you convert the string to a list?? I would apprecitate any help.

Member Avatar for Dart82
Member Avatar for god0fgod

In a file there is a list: [QUOTE][['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Name'], ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1]][/QUOTE] How can I use it in a python script? Thanks

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for vmars

I am reading thru DiveIntoPython docs and it gives some examples Example 3.23. Formatting Numbers >>> print "Today's stock price: %f" % 50.4625 50.462500 The 1st % designates Formatting, what does the 2nd % do? Thanks!

Member Avatar for bvdet
Member Avatar for peter1121

I need to know how to do the this assignment. moveTo(shape, newCenter) shape is a graphics object that supports the getCenter method and the newCenter is a Point. Moves shape so that newCenter is its center. Use your function to write a program that draws a circle and then allows …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for SitiSlicker

Hello DaniWeb, I am new and I have a problem thats driving me nuts, i'm sure its very simple to an experienced CS but I'm attempting to execute a couple conditional statements. basically, i am trying to write a program that determines the amount of shipping costs to inform the …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for Andymoore88

I was wondering if anyone out there had a good suggestion on an Installer program. I have a few friends that are interested in how I'm doing in my programming self-education, so I'd like to send them examples of what I've done. Now I've managed to use py2exe to create …

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Member Avatar for Devlan

A real simple one, just a question of understanding the python syntax I suppose. I won't waste your time by throwing the whole program at you, I think my question can be boiled down to this: [ICODE] a = ["cat"] b = ["bark"] wordinsa = input("Word: ") a.append(wordinsa) wordinsb = …

Member Avatar for Devlan
Member Avatar for laspal

Hi, I am having the problem in nested list. Here is the code : [code=python]data1= [['Contacts',company.contacts.count() ], ['Notes', company.notes.count()], ['Met by', ], ['Industry', industry], ['Financial Investors', '31']] for item in metlist: data1[2].insert(1,item) [/code] Basically I am trying to insert the value for Met by in [ 'Met by', metlist->value] I …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Andymoore88

Okay, continuing on with my little System access project I've been working on. Now I've gotten three different Python files in this Project. I'm using a main menu .py to offer option for the user to select from. Each option then opens one of the other two .py files and …

Member Avatar for Andymoore88
Member Avatar for lkcl

Folks, hi, I thought you might like to know that there's a way to develop complex web 2.0 applications without having to program a single line of javascript. Pyjamas, a port of Google's Web Toolkit (GWT) will translate a python application into AJAX for you. For convenience, there is also …

Member Avatar for vmars

OK, I have decided to download wxPython and Python2.6 . But I am confused which kind from here: [url]http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10718&package_id=10559&release_id=629662[/url] I am running winXp Pro, and MAC OS X 10.5 . I don't know which win to choose, [U]32 or 64[/U], and [U]ansi or unicode[/U]? Also, osx [U]ansi or unicode[/U]? And …

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The End.