15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for elhallouf

hey all. I am trying to assign unique IDs to a list of strings I get from a file Let's say my list (list.txt) is: [CODE] Shoes from Italy 1 Shirts made in Japan Shoes from Italy 2 Shirts made in France Boots made in United Kingdom Socks [/CODE] I …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for inkcoder

Hello Everyone! I am new to Python, this is my second project. I am trying to make a program that will take a users input and then output the words into the format where A = 1, B = 2, C =3 ... and so on. I want to start …

Member Avatar for a1eio
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

How can I read data present in a large XML file into a list using SAX parser?. I want to transfer the data into tables created in MS Access. Please help. Regards, Dinil

Member Avatar for elhallouf

Hey you all I am starting with python (more familiar with shell in general) I am trying to write a script that replaces a column in a text file with numbers (or IDs) from an other file. Let me rephrase it : I have 2 files: ITEMS.txt and IDs.txt Items.txt: …

Member Avatar for elhallouf
Member Avatar for Py-er

hi, i want to know how can calculate width value of text for example: (text:'help me', font:'Tahoma 25') i want to calculate the full width value of the text so help me please to find a way to do that or with Tkinter lib or with any lib.

Member Avatar for Py-er
Member Avatar for bikehike90

I am relatively new to python. I am calling a a function from another script (imported) from the python shell. However, when I call a variable created in that function (after calling it) the variable hasn't been defined. I thought it was a global issue so I made the variable …

Member Avatar for bikehike90
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Hi Using a template from the tutorial Fuse offered i made this program: [code=python] import wx import os WINDOW_WIDTH = 700 WINDOW_HEIGHT = 600 class MainFrame(wx.Frame,object): def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self,None, title = "Paul's Text Editor", pos = (200,75), size = (WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT)) self.menubar = wx.MenuBar() self.menufile = wx.Menu() self.menuinfo = wx.Menu() self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar) …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for jesouhaite08

I created a program and when I click on it, it launches the server and runs at [url][/url] This is my code for it: pyweb.py: [ICODE]import os, sys sys.path += [r'c:\dev\incidents'] os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'incidents.settings' from django.core.management import call_command from threading import Thread t = Thread(target=call_command, args=('runserver',), kwargs={'shutdown_message':"done", 'use_reloader':False}) t.start() import …

Member Avatar for Patrick1991

Hello! I'm new in this forum and i have some problems in school. I'm from Germany and my teacher gave me the task to install a dart game in Python. Now i have not much time left. So i want you to ask if you could maybe help me with …

Member Avatar for Patrick1991
Member Avatar for ronnix

Hi, It is possible to get values from thread , while thread is executing , but not yet complete? if it is possible then how can I realise it in python? with hope to solution

Member Avatar for BearofNH
Member Avatar for elhallouf

hey all I am trying to write a pogram with arguments and options I want to call it this way: [CODE] python myScript.py -c -f 'C:/Temp/my_file.txt' [/CODE] OR [CODE] python myScript.py -u -f 'C:/Temp/my_file.txt' [/CODE] where [-f filename] is mandatory and exactly one of -c or -u should be there …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for knish

Hi, 1) how do I source a python script thru MEL. 2) Execute a python script thru MEL (python("") Brgds, kNish

Member Avatar for darkMatter2008

Hello, I am an experienced programmer in OO langauges such as C++, C#, Java... etc. The problem I have is that I have written a class, and when I try to instantiate that class from another object, the compiler says that it cannot find it at the Import stage. From …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for darkMatter2008

How do I make a static function in an Class that can be called by another object? Thanks in advance.

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Member Avatar for cdub

I'm running 2.4.4 using gentoo. I've compiled python with Tk. (USE="tk" in /etc/make.cont) I can not get "turtle.setup(width=800,height=600,startx=400,starty=300)" to set the screen size. Any ideas? Is there another way to set the screen size? ? cdub [code = python] import Tkinter import turtle turtle.setup(width=800,height=600,startx=400,starty=300) turtle.down() turtle.right(30) turtle.forward(100) [/code]

Member Avatar for Fuse
Member Avatar for kittensaretasty

I'm a complete beginner. I know how to get things to print to the screen, with the print command. But I want to be able to input a string of text and have that text returned in all caps. Do I do this with an argument to the print command …

Member Avatar for Fuse
Member Avatar for happimani

Dear All, What is the Major Differences between Python 2.3 and 2.4 and What are all the Major Features in Python 2.4?????????? regards Mani

Member Avatar for paddy3118
Member Avatar for shlomgad

Hello, I'm trying to convert a string which includes raw UCS2 unicode characters into a Python unicode object. For example: The string: "05E905DC05D505DD" The result I need: u'\u05E9\u05DC\u05D5\u05DD' What's the function I should use ? Thanks,

Member Avatar for turnerca902

Hi Folks, For thoes of you who may have read and offered assistance on this problem already, I thank you. (Woooee, Slate.) The project/problem has been evolving and now I feel I am getting close to a solution...but still a few steps away. I have the code below, which is …

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Hi I am making a program that collects data and then saves it to a text file. Then i want it to print the text file on a Network Printer and i was wondering how i would go about doing that?

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Hi I have been doing text programming for a while now and i was going to start doing some graphical interfaces for my programs but i was wondering which one is the best for beginners and also what and ther advantages/disadvantages of each of them. Thanks

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for jimcc

So I have a simple dice program that lets the user make bets. If their current money pool is larger than the money pool in highscores.txt it will write the new score to the file. The program works as intended except for the high scores. When I try to write …

Member Avatar for Fuse
Member Avatar for smithsf22

Hello, I am exporting 3 seperate Selects to a csv file. What i have is a button that when clicked I would like to have to export. The problem that I have is that I can only get one of the three to work. All three do work just not …

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Member Avatar for dangermini

Hi, i've been working on simple code just prototyping the system i'd like to make. This all works and is going great apart from my "quit" button, the button appears. however when you click on it, it doesn't close the interface..i think it just stops the code from running or …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for s_jmp

I want to retrieve a variable's data that contain's an image i am using pys60 ,for example i have created a class of Image like this: i=Image.new((size,size)) and drawn a rectangle in it: i.rectangle('proper values') now there is a rectangle in i so we have an image and something is …

Member Avatar for xav.vijay

Hi friends I am trying to connect to a Linux machine from a Windows PC. I used to do it thru TELNET, but now I want to use SSH for better security. I tried with PYSSH, but I am going nowhere with it... Parmaiko is not working in Windows... Is …

Member Avatar for xav.vijay
Member Avatar for ronnix

Hi , I have a problem.. How can I get encoding for string which I retrieve from web or DB. with hope to solution..

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for heshan

Hi, I have written a web service and have deployed it using Apache Axis2. What I want to do is to invoke this service using a python script. Can anyone point me in the direction of how to do this. I will be grateful If anyone can give me a …

Member Avatar for heshan
Member Avatar for Hugh Pittman

Does anyone know how to install Python3.0a5 on a Windows Vista OS / AMD64 AthlonX2 platform? I downloaded the amd64 version of Python3.0a5 but Vista won't install it -- although it has msi. After much 'googling' of the matter, I found that many other people have similar problems with Python …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for pukebag

Hi there, I have a mixed list containing strings, integers, strings with numbers both prefix and suffix and mixed case strings as follow: mixedlist = ["cake", 12, "cakecar", "cAKe", "orange", "apple", "1cake", "cake1"] I'm trying to filter the list for any element containing "cake" so I get a new list …

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The End.