15,192 Topics
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I am still reading the learing python o'reilly book and not sure the best way to approch my problem. Given c:\dir1\dir2\dir3. I want to zip all files in dir3 if those files are older than 30 days using 1 zip file (ie. dir_3_files.zip). If all files in dir3 are older … | |
hey everybody I'm taking a computer class right now and one of the projects I need to do is create a very simple pizza-ordering menu. At this pizzeria, there is only one kind of pizza you can order: regular (cheese) with no toppings. Your choices are what size of pizza, … | |
I would like to convert word document .doc tp acrobat .pdf using Python. Please help. | |
hi pythoners, i have problem in understanding bind method of socket module i have read many articles and even pythons help and docs but i couldnt feel what it really is so anyone can help me please? | |
Hello, I wanted to know if Python can be bundled with any C++ project so that it can be installed when the executable of the project is run. I use Python 2.4 and PyXML-0.8.4 on Windows XP SP2. | |
Just noticed an odd little problem. Instead of explaining it, take a look at this IDLE run: [code]>>> ================================ RESTART ================================ >>> class test: eggs = True >>> var1 = test() >>> var2 = "text" >>> type(var2) <type 'str'> >>> type(var2) == str True >>> type(var1) <type 'instance'> >>> type(var1) … | |
Hey, Does anyone know how to pickle classes that have classes within them? I get back the top level attributes, but not the attributes under them. For instance: [code] import pickle class authorObj(): class authors(): pass q = authorObj() q.authors.name = 'somebody' output = open('test.pkl', 'wb') pickle.dump(q, output) output.close() [/code] … | |
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong with this loop. I want to end the loop when either one of the tanks armour reaches zero. Also if I wanted to add more tanks how can I have the loop end? Thanks import random class Tank (object): def … | |
Hey, this time I'm back with a threading error! I need to write code that gets the address of a message sender while at the same time letting the user know that the pygame didn't freeze, so I started a thread to keep control of the screen while searching for … | |
Okay i'm probably majorly over thinking this but i need to create a counter that counts how many weeks a certain value gets exceeded, except i honestly don't know how to do it. I thought of find the end max value and taking it away from the first max value … | |
Hi I have been working on a blackjack program and i have hit a brick wall as one of my Global assignments isn't working for some reason [code] import random class Cards(object): def __init__(self): global cards global player global comp global comp_tot global playert cards = {2:4,3:4,4:4,5:4,6:4,7:4,8:4,9:4,10:16,'ace':4} player = [] … | |
I just downloaded and installed ActivePython on my windows PC (XP). I can bring up the editor and can write very beginner lines of code in the editor and save and run the program. However, when I create any function the interpreter says there is an error, no matter how … | |
Hey I'm just trying to develp some code for some coursework i've got to do. I am wondering is it easier for me to write the code for what I want to do and then integrate the PyQt GUI after I've written the code, or is it best practice to … | |
![]() | Can anyone help me with a python script I'm writing to change a password in a batch file. I need to replace the old password with the new one. I can do this by getting the old password from the user by raw.input, but I'd really like to just replace … ![]() |
I have a function when I use it outside the class as a function it works perfectly but when I want to use I as a method in a class I get a TypeError massage : [COLOR="Red"]Traceback (most recent call last): File "H:\python\prototyp_01.py", line 122, in <module> manupacians.koor(z) File "H:\python\prototyp_01.py", … | |
I am working on the odd number magic square problems. I start the first number in the last row and center column. It worked on the 3x3 square, but not on any other odd numbers. Can anybody check my code? [code] def magic(n): if n > 2 and n % … | |
Hi, I wanted to ask if you can help me with my example-sourecode to Wrap an C++ Object. I know Boost, but I don't want to use it cause of several points. Does someone knows an example code for an Object Wrapper? Thanks A LOT!!! [code=c] #include <Python/Python.h> #include <string.h> … | |
Hi, I have a requirement that i have two files, one is input file and another is log file(both will contain the same data mostly). I need to compare these two files and if any difference found then those lines should be write to another file(3rd file). I done googling, … | |
I have pygame v 1.8.0 installed but it is without the font and video module support how do i have to enable it or from where do i have to get it | |
Hey guys, recently i started with socket programming in python and still doing it. And i decided to do a project, its a text based GUI with different options that are related to Networks, but ive had trouble with it looping back to the menu which the input is represented … | |
I am writing a Crap Game. The first part turn out fine but I have problem with this requirement [I][U]"Your program must keep track of and report the number of games won by the user and the number of games won by the computer ("house"). The score should be 0-0 … | |
Sorry I just realise that made not sense. I have created a program in python similar to battleships. I have created the class section which were working when I include the direction section in the main and not as a seperate method, However when I move the method into a … | |
Hi, i am currently trying to learn how to program in python and i have been doing ok until now! I am confused about classes objects and methods, i understand most of how they work. In a question task I am asked to create some code for a die (singular … | |
Hey all, had another question that came up in my first Python program. The program is pretty much just a GUI for an application launcher. My current version has rollover buttons and successfully launches the applications, but is bloated and needs some revision so I'll post the first version with … | |
i need to build a recursive function which calculates the average of specific numbers entered ... so its fine till now but ... it says the number of entries is determined by the user's interest .. so i got some ideas i kinda stopped here i made a function which … | |
Hi, I am having a string like below. What I need to do is to process the string in such a way that I could get the output in a format like below.The problem I am facing here is that some elements have commas(,) within itself , so it is … | |
HI I was having a look into classes and i noticed i saw a lot of things like [code] class fruitcake(object): pass [/code] my question is what is the point of the "object" being in the class arguments as it is a Built In Function and i couldn't work out … | |
Hey guys, I recently started an online Python course as I had some interest in it, this is the second assignment I have received (first one was a purely text based Python solver), and I have become really stuck as I haven't found much on GUI. Basically its about class … | |
Hi I have the source of a webpage that tells the weather and i want to extract the data and my only hurdle left to jump is to remove all the formatting HTML marks inside and including the <> bracket. I have the web page source stored as a string … | |
Hello , Down here we have my code and the error in the compilation, and i dont know how to resolve this can anyone help me. Just a introduction: This python script is used to save datas from a form in sql_data base. # Available parameters: # fields = HTTP … |
The End.